An RSS feed for PostgreSQL General Bits is now available for those who use RSS. It will contain the issues for the current month along with titles of articles in the month. Happy Feeding!
Diogo Biazus reports that the new Brazilian PostgreSQL site
went live with a brand new look. Check out
PostgreSQL folds all identifiers, or names, into lower-case unless they were created with double quotes. Identifiers are object names like table and column names and function names for example. This table shows the resultant PostgreSQL table name when creating a table with and without quotes and with and without capitalization. It also shows how the name should be used in an insert statement.
You must use the double quoted table name whenever you created the table with double quotes and it contains capitalized letters. It is important to remember that pgAdminIII helps out when you create tables and columns. It double quotes the identifiers for you, resulting in names that then require double quoting when referencing them if the identifier contains upper-case letters.
We have a master and a detail table of items and books. The manipulation of books is to be done strictly through a view, bookview. The insertion into a bookview causes an insertion into both the item table and the book table. A delete from the book view should delete both the item and the book records. Usually all inserts, deletes and updates on views are done with DO INSTEAD rules. However, due to the scope of the OLD record in the RULE, the delete functionality is a bit tricky. Here is the table, view and rule creation.drop table book cascade; DROP TABLE item CASCADE; DROP TABLE book CASCADE; -- master table CREATE TABLE item (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, type text, title text ); -- detail table CREATE TABLE book (id integer REFERENCES item PRIMARY KEY, title text, author text ); -- combine stuff from item and book tables CREATE VIEW bookview AS SELECT i.id, b.title, b.author FROM item i, book b WHERE i.id=b.id; -- insert to item and book instead of bookview CREATE RULE bookviewins AS ON INSERT TO bookview DO INSTEAD ( INSERT INTO item (type, title) VALUES ('book', NEW.title); INSERT INTO book (id, title, author) VALUES (currval('item_id_seq'), NEW.title, NEW.author); ); -- delete to item and book instead of bookview CREATE RULE bookviewdel AS ON DELETE TO bookview DO INSTEAD ( DELETE FROM book WHERE id=OLD.id; DELETE FROM item WHERE id=OLD.id; ); INSERT INTO bookview (title, author) VALUES ('Dune','Herbert'); INSERT INTO bookview (title, author) VALUES ('Hobbit','Tolkein'); db=# SELECT * FROM bookview; id | title | author ----+--------+--------- 1 | Dune | Herbert 2 | Hobbit | Tolkein (2 rows) db=# DELETE FROM bookview WHERE author='Tolkein'; DELETE 0 db=# SELECT * FROM bookview; id | title | author ----+-------+--------- 1 | Dune | Herbert (1 row) db=# SELECT * FROM item; id | type | title ----+------+-------- 1 | book | Dune 2 | book | Hobbit (2 rows) db=# SELECT * FROM book; id | title | author ----+-------+--------- 1 | Dune | Herbert (1 row)This insert rule works as expected. However, the delete rule does not; the delete from item fails. One would think that reversing the order of the deletes might help but it does not. When the book is deleted, it is no longer visible in the view and so the OLD.id does not exist anymore causing the delete from item to fail. The proper way to enforce the deletion of both the book and item is to define the relationships between book and item so that delete cascades. CREATE TABLE book (id integer REFERENCES item ON DELETE CASCADE PRIMARY KEY, title text, author text );With ON DELETE CASCADE defined like this, the book is deleted when the item is deleted. With this in force, the delete RULE for bookview should look like this: CREATE RULE bookviewdel AS ON DELETE TO bookview DO INSTEAD ( DELETE FROM item WHERE id=OLD.id; );Rerunning the selects and delete shows here that the delete is of item cascades properly to the book table. db=# SELECT * FROM bookview; id | title | author ----+-------+--------- 1 | Dune | Herbert (1 row) db=# DELETE FROM bookview WHERE author='Tolkein'; DELETE 0 db=# SELECT * FROM bookview; id | title | author ----+-------+--------- 1 | Dune | Herbert (1 row) db=# SELECT * FROM item; id | type | title ----+------+------- 1 | book | Dune (1 row) db=# -- shows both books db=# SELECT * FROM book; id | title | author ----+-------+--------- 1 | Dune | Herbert (1 row)
Comments and Corrections are welcome. Suggestions and contributions of items are also welcome. Send them in! Copyright A. Elein Mustain 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 |