Many installation sites have several databases which require utility functions, datatypes and contrib items to be available in all of the databases. Since databases do not share catalogs, all of these must be defined in each database. But, wait! There is a way to do this efficiently. Apply your common functions, datatypes and contrib items to template1. Then each database created after this is done will contain your common definitions. template0 is the base PostgreSQL template database. template1 is created based on template0. All databases in the installation are then created based on template1. This separation allows installation specific definitions to be installed into template1 while maintaining the purity of template0 for emergencies.
CASCADES apply to the tables involved in FOREIGN KEY constrainsts. They determine the action to take when the referenced column is changed or the referenced row is deleted. Although CASCADE is defined on the table defining the FOREIGN KEY, it is triggered by changes to the referenced table. Suppose we had two simple tables of vendors and a catalog like this with the following information about the vendors and the products in the catalog that they sold. The vendor id field in catalog references the vendor table with the default of NO CASCADES. create table vendors ( v_id integer, v_name text, PRIMARY KEY (v_id) ); create table catalog ( item_id integer, v_id integer, item_name text, PRIMARY KEY (item_id), FOREIGN KEY (v_id) REFERENCES vendors ); SELECT item_id, item_name, v.v_id, v.v_name FROM vendors v JOIN catalog c USING (v_id);
Suppose a new company purchased acme, inc. We would like to change the vendor id and name in the vendor table to reflect this. =# update vendors set v_id = 4, v_name='newco, inc.' where v_id=1; ERROR: update or delete on "vendors" violates foreign key constraint "$1" on "catalog" DETAIL: Key (v_id)=(1) is still referenced from table "catalog". If we'd defined the catalog table like this: create table catalog ( item_id integer, v_id integer, item_name text, PRIMARY KEY (item_id), FOREIGN KEY (v_id) REFERENCES vendors ON UPDATE CASCADE );Then the same UPDATE from above would give us the folowing data: That is better. All of the referential integrity is intact. Now suppose that solutionsystems went the way of the dot coms and is no longer in business. If we try to delete solutionsystems from the vendor table this is what happens: =# delete from vendors where v_id=3; ERROR: update or delete on "vendors" violates foreign key constraint "$1" on "catalog" DETAIL: Key (v_id)=(3) is still referenced from table "catalog".If we had defined the catalog table as: create table catalog ( item_id integer, v_id integer, item_name text, PRIMARY KEY (item_id), FOREIGN KEY (v_id) REFERENCES vendors ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE );Then the DELETE from above would produce the following results:
Not all FOREIGN KEYS should CASCADE. Most of the time you do not want them to. It should be a relatively rare case where you are updating a primary key in the first place. If you find yourself updating primary keys on a regular basis, perhaps you should rethink your choice of keys. The UPDATE example above is not a compelling example of why to change primary keys. The same effect could have been achieved by leaving the primary key alone and only updating the company name. A more compelling example might be when an email address is used as a primary key and the email address needs to be changed. However, it might still be more prudent to choose a primary key that does not need to be updated. Another reason to avoid updating primary keys is to maintain history with your data. You may have an obsolete vendor in your database, but if it is marked as such, then you have the historical reference that the vendor was once there. This is important for financial and historical records, for example.
There was a question as to how to query the table structure of PostgreSQL tables. This can be done using the new information_schema or via the existing pg_catalogs. Most of the time a \d in psql would be enough, but not always. The questioner wanted column names in a table along with types. The following query provides a little bit more than that, so edit to your own needs. Optional conditions include querying on column_name and schema_name in addition or instead of the table_name query shown. The SQL which defines this table is: create table lotsotypes ( aaa integer, bbb text, ccc float(10), ddd double precision, eee int8, fff Point, ggg char(3), hhh varchar(17), iii oid, jjj numeric, kkk numeric(12,2), lll date, mmm time, nnn timestamptz, ooo timestamp(2), ppp boolean, qqq bytea, rrr inet, sss interval, ttt serial );The query executed is as follows. Notice that instead of casing the precision we used coalesce() since a type would either be character, numeric, or datetime and never two of those. select ordinal_position as "Pos", column_name as "Col", data_type as "Type", coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision_radix, datetime_precision) as "Prec", is_nullable as "Nullable", column_default as "Default", udt_name as "Built-In" from columns where table_name = 'lotsotypes' order by ordinal_position;The results show the built-in datatype that is used. This is always a synonym for the declared type except where the declared type is a domain.
(20 rows) A brief parsing of the \d queries in psql enabled me to put together this basically equivalent query. (To see the queries issued by psql start it using the -E option.) SELECT rel.nspname, rel.relname, attrs.attname, "Type", "Default", attrs.attnotnull FROM (SELECT c.oid, n.nspname, c.relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) ) rel JOIN (SELECT a.attname, a.attrelid, pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) as "Type", (SELECT substring(d.adsrc for 128) FROM pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d WHERE d.adrelid = a.attrelid AND d.adnum = a.attnum AND a.atthasdef) as "Default", a.attnotnull, a.attnum FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped ) attrs ON (attrs.attrelid = rel.oid ) WHERE relname ~ '^lotsotypes$' ORDER BY attrs.attnum;
(20 rows)
Comments and Corrections are welcome. Suggestions and contributions of items are also welcome. Send them in! Copyright A. Elein Mustain 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 |